Obviously with these old tin toys, there is a lot of character, so please don't take this as a 100% documentation of any small details, combine this description with the photos to get the best description of condition. I'll refer to right and left from a back to forward orientation, so for example I would be describing the wind-up crank as on the left side. There are some dents, mostly on the bottom front, but there is also some waviness to the top front half left.
The absolute back also seems a little misshapen and the furthest right side vent window, the green screen is pushed down a little bit. There is some rust, especially on the guy and his gun.
There is a fair amount of scratches/scuffing throughout. Missing the yellow fin and back wheel. The wind-up mechanic works and can be held by the "Go" Stop switch, but the right wheel spins freely on the axel (doesn't have the same fastener the left wheel does), so rocket just goes to the right when let go. Please see photos and video.Very cool piece of toy history! Please feel free to message me with any questions, thank you.